
The Top 3 Playgrounds or Parks in Baldwin County

By Christina Stivers October 4, 2019

Baldwin County is lucky to have so many great parks and playgrounds for kids. My kids have swung, spun, and raced through many of them ... and definitely have their favorites!

Here’s a list of our family’s top three favorite parks and playgrounds in Baldwin County and the reasons we love them:

Park name: Fairhopers Community Park

Location: 59 S Church St, Fairhope, AL 36532

Features:  Fenced In, Spacious, Splash Pad, Huge Play Area, Covered Areas with Tables, Plenty open space for picnicing, musical pieces.

What my kids love: My oldest loves everything about this park. My youngest had fun except the water area but he is only 1.

What I love: shaded benches, endless fun for the kids

Park name: Foley Kids Park

Location: 209 W Verbena Ave, Foley, AL 36535

Features: Fenced In, Seating Area, Covered gazebo with tables, area for the younger kids, plenty open space for picnicing, sidewalk

What my kids love: Everything.

What I love: Seating and close to home

Park name: Garrett Park

Location: 18080 Pennsylvania Street, Robertsdale, AL

Features: Covered pavilion with picnic tables and grills, Horseshoe, Volleyball Net, 

What my kids love: It has been a while since we went to this one, but my daughter had fun

What I love: for a small town it isn't bad

That’s our family’s top 3 list for favorite parks and playgrounds in Baldwin County, but I bet your kids have their own favorites! Let me know what’s on your family’s list for Baldwin County’s best parks and playgrounds by leaving me a note on Facebook {link to playground post} or emailing me at I’ll be doing  more Baldwin County playground and park reviews in the future, so I would love to have your input!

Have a great week!